Thursday, January 28, 2010


No, no!!! I'm not the official blogger for those guys at Fox and American Idol and I'm doing without been paid, of course. Just want to clear things up on why I keep on posting about American Idol this season. Well, just called it as what I am really into these days. Nevertheless, continuing my week-by-week American Idol's report, shall we?

This week (Week 3) on the ninth season of American Idol, they traveled to Los Angeles and Arlington for the next round of audition. With 32 from Foxborough, 25 from Atlanta, 13 from Chicago and 31 from Orlando, we have a total of 101 golden tickets so far. So, let's recap the California round. Oh, before I forgot, Avril Lavigne guest judge on Day One while Katy Perry judged on Day Two.


(1) Neil Goldstein's high IQ is never enough

He is the only one who claimed that he deserved to go to Hollywood. No one else?

(2) Mary Powers, a mom who can rock it all

One comment said, "Her voice a little remindsme of Pink". How true!!

(3) AJ Mendoza, an "Adam Lambert" wannabe

A failed attempt, hell yes!!

(4) Andrew Garcia, a father will lots of story to tell

With Sunday Morning, he sailed through and we expect he will sailed through

(5) Tasha Layton and Jason Greene

One go through, the gay didn't. Tasha will sure be another top contender, will she?

(6) Chris Golightly and a divided decision

He goes through with his rendition of simple "Stand By Me"

So, I guess highlighting the seven contestants are enough said right? Fifth stop at Los Angeles has produced 22 golden tickets. We will have next stop at Arlington, Texas for another Week three roundup very soon. Stay tuned!!